Create deep, keyword driven, crawlable links for your Amazon aStore in seconds!.
(Note: These links connect to Amazon rather than AdBabel's crawable aStore system.)

Create keyword driven aStore links like these:

Bob Dylan | Eddie Izzard | The Datsuns | Midnight Oil
Lord of the Rings | PS2 | SEO

Code for these links looks like this:

Here's how to quickly create your own.

  1. Remove all filters from your aStore's categories.
  2. Note the node number in each category URL.
  3. Create your custom links using the form on the right.
  4. Test the links that appear after submitting the form.
  5. Copy & paste the code into your HTML.
  6. Repeat for remaining nodes as desired.

Tip: For totally customized aStore navigation, hide the sidebar widget and create your own menus using custom links.

To hide the sidebar:

  1. Open the "Category Pages" page in your aStore setup
  2. Scroll down to the bottom of the page & uncheck the "Hide category navigation" box
  3. Preview your aStore - the sidebar should be gone.
  4. Narrow the width of your store's iframe to 555 pixels to make space for your custom links or to fit your page better. (Here's more about setting the width of your aStore.)
Your aStore link

Category node number

Search keywords (one per line)

Notes & Conditions of Use

  • This service does not check the validity of your links. The aStore link and node number must be correct and the nodes must be enabled in your aStore setup for the links to function.
  • These links connect to the aStore hosted by Amazon & are not compatible with AdBabel's ASTORE-SEO scripts.
  • This is a free service. No guarantee or promise of fitness for use in any way is implied or intended.
  • If Amazon's aStore system changes such that these links no longer function as intended, AdBabel is under no obligation to provide any alternative script or any other remedy.
  • We do not guarantee compatibilty with your content management system if you use one.
  • Your IP address is recorded for security.



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aStore Custom Links